ghosts gleaming in the morning
laura ma
It is burning; it is raining, and you hum a requiem. / Dusk dawning featherless. / Do not say
even if i die, there will be more heroes after me. / Do not say all things shall come to an end. / It is
much too early for that. Look at me, take my hand: / can you not feel the gold / that surges in these frostbitten joints? / How they connect your arteries / to conduct love and divinity? / Take
off those / barbed wire crowns, / and weave them into / laurels of primrose and alyssum.
We are not so driftless on this earth.
Slowly, the sun rises / and the world melts at its seams. / The horizon, / like limelights, / casts a
show of shadows on display. / Leaves trembling / with your ghosts and fears, / you hide your face
between your palms. / Golden hour leaking / on your skin, / you mutter, / Turn away. / You do not
want to see.
Uncover your eyes, I say, Open them.
These ghosts are the gilded light / that gleams through the mist, / the ocean waves / that capture the first beams of day. / They are the winds / that trail the highway-side-poppies, / and the clapping of palm trees / after the rain. / They forgive you. / They sing a pavane for you. / They dance for you.
Take my hand again — / I will show you how they bless our name. / So, breathe: / witness how the sun
rises, / how the parched hills / will bloom with the spring rain. / Let's be happy / until the end of our
days. / Let's listen to a pavane / and dance with the ghosts / who follow us.
Laura Ma is a high school writer from California. Her work appears or is forthcoming in the Pollux Journal, Juven, the Interstellar Literary Review, The Aurora Journal, and elsewhere. At midnight you can find her exploring aesthetics and wishing that it would rain. Obsessed with alternate universes, she loves imagining the what-could've-been. She tweets @goldenhr3 on Twitter.