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issue 05 theme:
we want the mysterious & unknown. dive deep―discover the words under the surface. what awaits you in the depths of the ocean? perhaps your words soak & sting like saltwater or leave an underwater world waiting for you. we want your work inspired by the ocean & all the unexplored.
submissions are now OPEN until October 15, 2021.
submission guidelines
submissions are only open every other month to accommodate for our bimonthly publishing schedule. currently, submissions are open. we only accept works from those who are 13 - 22 years old, and we especially encourage previously unpublished writers, people of diverse backgrounds/identities, and/or marginalized writers to submit―we want to hear your voice!
- up to three (3) poems max, no more than 2 pages each
- free verse, prose poetry, rhyming, etc. are all encouraged!
- email should be titled: [full name] - Poetry
- writing should be formatted preferably in EB Garamond, 12-pt
- in English
- only one (1) entry max, no more than 2000 words
- creative nonfiction, fiction, memoir, etc. are all encouraged!
- email should be titled: [full name] - Prose
- writing should be formatted preferably in EB Garamond, 12-pt
- in English
to submit your work, please contact with an attached .doc, .pdf, or .docx file and a proper email subject. in your email, include a 50-100 word third-person biography. if your work contains a triggering theme/topic, please include a content or trigger warning in the body of your email.
after submitting your work and before the issue is published, you'll receive an emailed response (as soon as a decision is made and before publication!) confirming your submission's acceptance or rejection. we want to create a comfortable and encouraging space; that being said, we will respond to your submission no matter if your work is accepted or rejected. if your work(s) is accepted, please wait one full issue before submitting again so we can consider new voices.
we allow simultaneous submissions, however, if you're accepted somewhere else (congratulations!) please notify us as soon as possible. keep in mind we do not accept previously published works, and we ask that you do not publish your accepted work before its release in clandestine lit. following its publication, all rights return back to the author.
please note that we are a nonprofit magazine, meaning we do not pay contributors currently. thank you for understanding, and we look forward to hearing from you!
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