reconfiguration of bodies
joshua effiong
Like a dandelion touring the blue sky, dancing
freely with no thought of the morrow. I wish to
shoot this body into air. This morning, I stood
before my mirror with my eyes closed, praying
for my reconfiguration. The transformation of
bones into a thing hollow and light. & these
lungs becoming accustomed to flight. Here,
I will satiate my soul with this visa-free
opportunity. In this poem, I am my saviour.
Disentangling my breath from the weight of
gravitational oddities. Purge myself off the
stench of impossibilities. Do you see the way
I become weightless? Darling, watch me fly.
Watch me as I race with these aves. A black boy
isn't a compartment of stones, after all.
Joshua Effiong [He/Him] is a Nigerian writer and a lover of literature. You can find his works in Eboquills, Kalahari Review & Shallow Tales Review. He is an author of a poetry chapbook Autopsy of Things Left Unnamed. When he is not writing, he is reading, watching movies and listening to music. An undergraduate of Science Laboratory Technology. He lives in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. And here he writes from. You can find him on Instagram @josh.effiong and twitter @JoshEffiong.